The best Instagram Stories hacks are usually top secret — brands and businesses like to keep their tips and tricks to creating awesome stories posts under wraps.
But we’re here to reveal them all!
When it comes to making Instagram Stories stand out, some of the most useful features, editing tools and techniques are hidden to the naked eye. So we’ve unearthed them and shared all our favorite, creative Instagram Stories hacks in one post.
Keep reading to learn how you can make engaging, artistic, and effective stories with these 6 Instagram Stories hacks!
Instagram Stories Hacks #1: Paste Photos Directly Onto Your Stories.
Tu peux copier/coller une photo directement dans ton Instastory.
Have you ever wanted to add in extra images or have multiple photos in a single Instagram story? Or add a specific GIF you can’t find in Instagram’s GIF Library?
We’re going to show you two ways to do it:
Option #1: Copy a Photo from Your Camera Roll
What’s great about this Instagram Stories hack is that there are so many use cases. For example, if you’re re-sharing an Instagram post to your stories, you can paste a rectangle onto the story and then place it behind the post to create a framing effect.
Like this example here of a post re-share of dancer Autumn Miller :
Or if you’re trying to add your brand colors to a story, you can paste an element that contains the colors onto your story (like a graphic or logo), and then use the color dropper tool to pick up the exact color from that element.
Like this example :
Instagram Stories Hacks #2: Turn Your Live Photos into Boomerangs
Choisi une Live Photo pour en faire un Boomerang.
Did you know that you can turn your live photos into Boomerangs in Instagram Stories?
As far as Instagram Stories hacks go, this one’s definitely on the lesser-known side. The rumor says that the main reason in order for it to work, the live photo needs to be taken within the last 24 hours! NOT TRUE. It still works with all live photos.
Here’s how to do it: Simply open Instagram Stories, swipe up, and pick a live photo from your camera roll and press your finger on your pic.
Instagram Stories Hacks #3: Align Your Text Left, Right, or Centered
Alignez le texte à gauche, droite ou centré.
A few of the font styles in Instagram Stories lack the option to be left- or right-aligned, which can be a bit of a nuisance.
Usually, you can just tap the alignment button in the top left corner of the screen to change your text’s alignment. But if the button is missing (which is the case for the Modern, Neon, and Strong fonts), your text will automatically appear centered.

Luckily, there’s an easy solution! Simply type a message in Instagram Stories with a font that doesn’t have the alignment button.
Now swipe a finger left or right on your text. This should change the text’s alignment.

Instagram Stories Hacks #4: Add a “Glow” Effect to Your Emojis
Ajoutez un effet Glow à tes Emojis.
Sometimes the simplest Instagram Stories hacks are the most fun!
If you’ve ever wanted to make your emojis really stand out on Instagram Stories, there’s a hidden trick to give them a glow effect.
To do this, simply open your stories, tap the screen to open the text tool, and select the Neon font.
Instagram Stories Hacks #5: Create a Solid Color Background on Your Stories
Créez un arrière-plan de couleur unie.
This color-fill trick is pretty useful when you want to share a canvas with drawings and text rather than a photo or video!
Tap the pen icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select a color.
Instagram Stories Hacks #6: Create a Drop Shadow Effect on Your Text.
Créez un effet ombragé à votre texte.
That's it for now ! More to come about the new Instagram 2019. Hope you enjoyed it and learned new cool tricks about Instagram stories 😁.
This blog post is based on what we learned on social media, based on workshops and tutorials from the Later.com business program we are using.