how to apply a promo code ? how to apply more than one ?
To apply a promo code Intights, you have to enter it inside the white box (coupon) during transaction. If a promo code is not applyed during transaction, we could not refund it.
You cannot apply more than one promo code.
Except : Our PICKUP code (it takes off 5$ delivery fees for local customers only). If you are a local customer, you can pickup your purchase at the workshop on an appointement only. YOU HAVE to contact us BEFORE your transaction. We will schedule an appointment with you and give you a new invoice with both promo code.
If this step is missed, we won't be able to do a refund on your card for the pickup code. Neither refund in cash.
where do you get your clothes and are they made in Canada ?
We get our clothes from designers all around the globe, including designers from Canada, whose products are exclusive to us.
is there a way to get one item even if it sold out ?
When an item is marked sold out, it means we don't have it in reserve for the online store. However, it doesn't mean the item is sold out to our retailers. You have to communicate with them. After, we suggest you contact us by mail with the product name and we will contact you if this item is back again in our online store ONLY.
We work really hard to offer exclusive items, wich means we don't keep a lot of volume for each of them.
do the online store and the physical retailers carry the same stock ?
Retailers and online store have products that are the same and some collections are exclusively different. However, we sugest you call to the retailers near you. Here's the retailers point store.
how can I pay for my orders ?
We accept orders paid by : Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover et Paypal.
You can also pay with your débit card via Paypal. Here's how to do so : Paypal
Paypal offers a maximal security during transactions. You don't need a Paypal account to pay for your orders.
can I modify or cancel my order after paying for it ?
When your order arrives at our system, it is impossible to cancel or modify by yourself. You need to contact us within 24 hours ASAP to make changes. To contact us, click here.
what are the shipping fees ?
You can have all informations about shipping fees and delivery time in our shipping and delivery page.
returns, exchanges ?
Yes it is possible ! See our Returns and exchanges page to see how to do it.
who and what it Intights ?
Our About page talks about it more in details !
is there career offers at Intights Canada ?
Yes, we are always seeking new talent. Bloggers, Ambassadors, marketing, finances, workshops etc... Send your infos at intights.groupe@gmail.com
where can I find a particular Intights item ?
On our website intights.ca also from now on at our retailer Bach et Ses Bottines, Granby, QC, CA (280 Boivin, Granby). Our online store and retailers have different inventories. We suggest you call to our retailers if you are looking for a particular item. On our website, volume and item availabilities are displayed in real time.
intights products are offered to CANADA, U.S.A, U.K AND AUSTRALIA. Does the site ajust prices ?
Price are displayed in CAD but all canadians, U.K, USA and Australia residents can buy on intights.ca . The website and Paypal will make the $ conversion during transaction.